Create winning stories for amazing founders

The Team at the cusp
of Business & Design

Over 50 years of experience in consulting, marketing, design and content. From Univ of Cincinnati, NIFT, SPA, Economics Hons (DU)

Chetan Bhatia


Vrinda Rungta


Shuchi Bhatnagar

Lead - Content

Vishal Pal

Lead - Design

Anand Solomon


Vikas Rawat


Aastha Aggarwal

Lead - Pitch Deck Services

Yash Rungta


Nikita Chauhan


Rithika Bajaj


See yourself here?

Join us

More Than Just Another

Kind Of Job!

Work on your
own hours

Learn. Unlearn.

The Narnia of

Work Hard
Play harder

Say bye to

Strong alone.
Unstoppable together

We are always looking for

creative people

The only pre-requisite is someone who understands business and have some level of interest in how some of the world's most promising startups are building their products.

Visual Designer

One who can write in pictures. For us, the definition is "One who can write business information in pictures"

Narrative Builder

One who has experience in startup consulting or agency pitches and is a natural storyteller.

Growth Hacker

One who understands digital marketing and content thought leadership to accelerate growth.

Content writer

One who loves writing about startups and has a finger on the pulse of the startup ecosystem.

Our Values

As a young company, we are co-building our culture every single day. These values is what we all agreed upon together.


Relentlessly curious about everything under the sun. Only way to learn, build perspectives and create stories.


Balance is the only thing to strive for. Good personal life leads to good work life leads to good personal life.


Put yourself in their shoes. Whether your team mate or the client or the client’s client or the investor.

Never Settle

Questioning if we did our best. The good always gets better. Better always gets best.

Follow us on Instagram

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